York City Knights captain Tim Spears has joined former York RL player Craig Forsyth in taking part in an epic world record static bike challenge to raise money for Rugby League Cares and the Motor Neurone Disease Association.
The 35 year old joins 24 other rugby players as they endure 30 long and painful hours of pedalling in the Rugby League Spectacular. Spears has captained the Knights to great success since joining in 2017 and recently passed the incredible milestone of 400 career appearances, and is now ready to once again help lead from the front in a very different looking challenge.
Spears said: “It’s going to be a fair old challenge that’s for sure, but there’s some great guys involved and we will hopefully all pull each other through if we are struggling. Most importantly, it’s for two great causes and if any money we raise can help Rob and his family as well as others in any small way then it’s 30 hours well spent.
"He was a joy to watch and a nightmare to play against in equal measure. Thinking about his toughness he showed when he played and now in the positive way he has embraced his fight is truly inspiratational and he will certainly be in my thoughts when it gets tough.
"When the news broke of Rob’s diagnosis, I remember speaking to Fordy and we agreed that we wanted to do anything we could to support him.
"Lockdown has given me and the other lads this opportunity and I hope people get behind it and support us to get through it and raise as much money as we can."
Who are RL Cares?
Most Rugby League players will face injury in their career. This is an uncertain time for a player, which can create anxiety and if the injury is serious can lead to depression and stress. Having someone to talk to is the best way to deal with it, especially if the person you are speaking to has been through something similar and can relate to your problems.
RL Cares provides that support to every player at all levels of the professional game. They recruit former players as mentors who are fully trained and supported by the charity to meet players and help them in times of crisis and anxiety.
RL Cares also helps players prepare for the hardest challenge they will face – leaving the sport at the end of their playing careers. Transitioning isn’t just a change of job, it is a change of life.
Who are Motor Neurone Disease Association?
MNDA are a membership organisation with over 10,000 members forming a powerful national and local network that provides information and support.
Their mission is to improve care and support for people with MND, their families and carers. Money raised by the charity goes to fund and promote research that leads to new understanding and treatments, and brings us closer to a cure for MND.
MNDA are the only national charity in England, Wales and Northern Ireland focused on improving access to care, research and campaigning for those people living with or affected by MND.