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York RLFC Foundation reaches new heights!

York RLFC Foundation had a successful year in 2024, engaging with more than 28,000 people in the community and recording more than 70,000 hours of contact time with schools, clubs and organisations across North Yorkshire!

The engagement total is calculated from the total of those who participated in coaching sessions, festivals, fixtures, assemblies, stadium tours, celebration days, or events run and delivered by the Foundation.

York RLFC Foundation (registered charity 1112571) is the community arm of York RLFC and was started in 2005. Since then, the Foundation has worked tirelessly to build an excellent reputation.

The Foundation's work is delivered through the areas of education, health, community, and Rugby League, with significant impact on schools and communities in York. Our mission is to 'Inspire Communities, Change Lives, and Expand the Reach of Rugby League.' To achieve this, we aim to increase participation in physical activities, reduce social isolation and loneliness, improve health and well-being, create stronger connections among people, and raise aspirations and opportunities for all generations.

In 2024, the York RLFC Foundation announced the launch of junior sections as part of the North Yorkshire development plan. The York RLFC Foundation entered into a partnership with the Rugby Football League for a project aimed at growing North Yorkshire Rugby League, with the shared belief that the region has significant potential for growth.

This partnership has enabled the York RLFC Foundation to create and support playing opportunities in Harrogate and Selby with plans being made to expand to Scarborough later this year.

In Selby, the Foundation has managed to expand its delivery of sessions, doubling the number of primary schools receiving their in-school curriculum offer whilst aiding the launch of a new community club within the Selby District, Raiders Rugby League.

In Harrogate, the focus is on supporting Harrogate Hawks, a community rugby league team. The aim is to strengthen the club's off-field operations and launch a new junior section. The expansion work, together with the continued drive to build a strong Foundation with the City of York, means sessions are delivered now in 52 Primary Schools and we now engage with 15 Secondary Schools.

Adam Prentis, York RLFC Delivery Manager said:

"North Yorkshire is a major potential growth area for Rugby League. The final engagement figures reported are higher than first expected.

"We are now able to measure our engagement more accurately than ever by using software to record and track our delivery. In recent years, the Foundation has benefitted from the increased profile of the club, the legacy of the RLWC 2021, and the support of individuals and partners.

"With the RFL’s help and with funding secured from several sources we remain on track to continue our upward spiral targeting growth and inclusion as key targets.

"We need to be able to accurately measure our reach and impact both as a sport and as a Foundation. We record what type of session was delivered. The headline figure of engagement is made up of assemblies, curriculum sessions, holiday activities.

"As I reflect on the past year, I want to thank everyone who contributed to the success of each programme.”

For more information on York RLFC Foundation including sponsorship opportunities please contact the York RLFC office on 01904 670880 or email


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